Check in

US-MEX Restaurant
Vordergasse 43
8200 Schaffhausen

Google Maps

Check in takes place in the US-MEX restaurant, which is directly affiliated with HOTEL2B.

Rear entrance

Münsterplatz 30
8200 Schaffhausen
+41 52 649 40 40

Google Maps

Otherwise the back entrance of HOTEL2B at Münsterplatz 30 can be used.

You have questions or feedback?

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. For bookings we recommend, where you will find all information related to pricing and room availability. We are constantly trying to improve our service and welcome feedback via the contact form.  

Kontaktformular 2


The HOTEL2B is part of the 2B Family.

2B-Visions AG
Amriswilerstrasse 57
8570 Weinfelden

071 626 30 00